15 tips for good parenting practices

Parenting practices are specific behaviors that parents use to socialize their children.
Being a parent in not easy job. And trying to be a perfect parent is unrealistic. Because no one is perfect. Neither the parent nor the child.  But as a parent we should always try to set good parenting practices.

Parents are role models for children. You have to set high standards for yourself first then secondly your children.

Here are 15 tips for good parenting practices:

1.What you do makes difference. 

 Children are watching your behavior. Don’t just preach them what to do. Show them by practicing in your daily routine.
Respect your child, show them positive behavior and understand their emotions.

2.Show your love and affection. 

Spend quality time with children. Your love and support will uplift your child’s self-esteem and build positive relationship.

3.Be involved in children activities. 

Teach children new things. Play with them. Read them stories. Show interest in their activities even if you cannot participate physically.

4.Set rules and regulations

Manage your child’s behavior at early age. Teach them what is allowed and what is not. But don’t intervene much when they grow older.

5.Develop your child’s independence.

You are concerned about your child’s mental and physical wellbeing. You try your best to give utmost growing environment for your child. Don’t control your child much. Give them some freedom, self-control and self-decision power which is needed when they grow up as an adult.

6.Avoid harsh punishments. 

Use positive discipline and avoid punitive measures.  Parents should never hit a child. Physical punishments leads to aggressive behavior in kids. You can ‘time out ‘ when your child misbehaves.

7. Make warm memories with your kids. 

Rather than giving expensive gifts and possessions, try to have fun with your kids.  Enjoy the moments with kids.

8. Keep harmony and stress less environment at home. 

Reduce stress for yourself and child. Practice relaxations techniques.

9.Praise you children.

Don’t overdo. But say positive things about your kids to your friends and relatives.

10. Avoid food fights.

 A healthy child can decide how much to eat. Don’t force your child to finish everything on plate.

11.Get kids moving. 

In this time with TV and internet, kids stay most of the time indoor and physically inactive. Get them involved in outdoor games for their brain development.

12.Involve in home activities. 

 Allow children to do house chores according to their age. If they are small, tell them to put dirty dished in the sink, or ask them to clean the floor. Teach them how to cook food. Tell them to plant a flower or vegetable. In this way you will be growing up responsible child.

13. Respect your child. 

Your kid is an independent human being. You should treat him respectfully, speak politely and respect his opinion. Children treat others the way parents treat them.

14.Be responsive to child and communicate often.

Be responsive when a child asks something. Communicate often with them. Ask them few questions.  Tell stories about good people.

15. Protect your child.

As a parent it is your duty to protect your child emotionally and physically. Take precautions to protect your child and maintain awareness about children activities and friends.

The list might go long. It might not be possible to follow each of the tips all the time. But make a habit of good parenting practices consistently and continuously.  It should be kept in mind that each kid is unique. So treat them uniquely according to their nature.


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